NUMPANG MARAH-MARAH sebentar yak! mudah-mudahan keluhan ini dibaca oleh yang berwenang ehehehe
Shutterstock - sucks because they ask passport for ID verification. National Identity such as driving licence are no longger valid. But for sales, client, pricing, quality SS is the best.
Istockphoto - sucks because they didn't accept hand-drawn image. Beside, reviewed process takes so long.
123rf - sucks in uploading expecially for uploading scanned image. They said requirements for scanned image are min.300 dpi dimension A5. I scanned drawing in A4 300 dpi, 600 dpi, 1200 dpi, even 4000 dpi and still failed for uploading (not review)!!!! "dimensions below requirements". What the hell..
fotolia - sucks in uploading. The flash loader didn't work, also FTP (confusing in parameter). For each uploaded hand-drawn image must be equipped with "property release". But for review process fotolia is the best (within 48 hours).
Dreamstime - Too much error for uploading in Java interface.
Graphicriver - didn't accept hand-drawn image. Too digitally..
Ponoko - just for product design..mmm..mmm.. i am stupid in here
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